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Since 2021, Beabia Films has been distributing art-house films with an international, musical and philosophical scope.

Distribution in France

Beabia Films can accompany you in film distribution throughout France:

  • Dispatch of DCP, posters and promotional material

  • Organization of screenings, event and communication to promote them

    • Cine-concerts, live music

    • Cine-debates​

    • Conferences, Q&A

Beabia Films offers a new approach to distribution, providing an innovative way of screening films in cinemas worldwide. As the company is based in Paris, we have an expertise of French cinema and contacts that enable us to distribute your film in various and unique places.

Last Highlights

Follia at cinema L'Epée de Bois in Paris, with Jadd Hilal, prized writer for a “Ciné-Roman”.

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Capture d’écran 2024-07-10 à 14.16.33.png

Follia at cinema Balzac in Paris, in front of more than 200 audience members

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